
Deep dive into the internals of an immutable database, immudb

In today’s environment, where it’s necessary to maintain timely and transparent information access, immutability is ...

In today’s environment, where it’s necessary to maintain timely and transparent information access, immutability is always at the top of the list. Immutable databases help provide a better level of control in many situations as well as help with various monitoring tasks.

Farhan, one of the core developers of immudb, wrote a great blog post about the internals of immudb:

Immutable databases are used for tracking changes in sensitive data, and for auditing purposes. Tamper-evident data means you can cryptographically prove that the data hasn’t been unexpectedly changed. Knowing the provenance, integrity, and sequence in which your data was created means you’ll be able to monitor that the data has not been modified by an unknown user in an unauthorized way, which simplifies regulatory compliance and audit.

This is an essential feature within the scope of many activities that collect critical user information and solve issues like insider attack threats, abuses, and patterns on the system through an audit.

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