Building open-source projects like immudb on the openSUSE Build Service
The Open Build Service is a powerful tool to build and distribute packages from sources in an automatic, consistent and ...
The Open Build Service is a powerful tool to build and distribute packages from sources in an automatic, consistent and reproducible way. OBS is for free for open-source projects and it can create images and installable packages for a wide range of operating systems (SUSE, Debain, Ubuntu, Red Hat, Windows, etc.) and hardware architectures (x86, AMD64, zSystems, Power, ARM etc.). In this blog we take a look at the openSUSE Build Service and use it to build immudb and immudb containers. After that, we notarize the resulting containers with Codenotary‘s CAS (Community Attestation Service). Please note: the demonstrated project and the images are not official releases, don’t use them for production.
First steps
I strongly recommend using openSUSE Tumbleweed for working on OBS projects. Otherwise, you have to eventually get obs packages yourself for your distribution (for example obs-service-go_modules).
Get the OSC Command-Line Tool:zypper ar
zypper install os
Create an account on Verify your email and do a login. Navigate to your profile in the top right corner. You will already have a home project called home:<yourusername>. Click on that project and create a subproject.

Call the subproject home:<yourusername>:playground and set “Disable build results publishing”. So no one will use your builds while developing/testing. Select repositories in the subproject. For this tutorial, we chose openSUSE Tumbleweed (x86) and openSUSE Factory zSystems (s390x).

Go to your terminal and create a directory for your obs project (mkdir obs) and checkout your project to create an empty directory named home:<yourusername>:playground:osc checkout home:<yourusername>:playground
A method to quickly come up to speed with obs is to branch existing projects. That way you can take a look at the files of others and modify them to your needs. You can search through the “All Projects” on the OBS Website to find a project that is similar to yours. For this tutorial we do a branch of home:swind:apps immudb and container-immudb.
osc branch home:swind:apps immudb home:<yourusername>:playground
Do a checkout again and switch in the immudb directory. Now you can see the directory and files of the project in the command line. Most of the magic is happening in the specfile. New files can be added with the osc add command.

Changes have to be checked in by osc ci -m “add your comment here”. Checking in changes automatically triggers a build. This will most likely fail, if the project is still being developed. That’s why it is also possible to do an osc service runall. This will execute a local build. You can display the build status and progress with osc results. The webinterface will also show that and logs too.
immudb can be built with a webconsole. The webconsole is supplied as a .tar.gz file. OBS can obtain that file automatically by defining it in the _service file:
<service name="download_url">
<param name="protocol">https</param>
<param name="host"></param>
<param name="path">codenotary/immudb-webconsole/releases/latest/download/immudb-webconsole.tar.gz</param>
<service name="recompress" mode="disabled">
<param name="file">immudb-webconsole.tar.gz</param>
<param name="compression">bz2</param>
Installing Software built by OBS
If the build was successful, you can install the software by using the links from repourls.
osc repourls
Perform a wget on the repo link. Copy the .repo content into /etc/zypp/repos.d. Now zypper finds immudb and is able to install it.
sudo cp home:swind:apps.repo /etc/zypp/repos.d
zypper search immudb
sudo zypper install immudb
Building Containers with OBS
OBS can also build containers. This feature can only be added via the cli:
osc meta prj home:swind:apps -e
We have to add a container section below the repositories chosen before (openSUSE Tumbleweed and openSUSE Factory zSystems). Adding containers will also require a dockerfile located in containers-immudb/dockerfile.
<repository name="containers_s390x">
<path project="home:swind:playground" repository="openSUSE_Factory_zSystems"/>
<path project="openSUSE:Containers:Tumbleweed" repository="containers_s390x"/>
<repository name="containers">
<path project="home:swind:playground" repository="openSUSE_Tumbleweed"/>
<path project="openSUSE:Templates:Images:Tumbleweed" repository="containers"/>
The images can be found at the openSUSE Registry.
Using CAS to create a tamperproof SBOM for the containers
A Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is a list of components in a piece of software. The Community Attestation Service stores all signatures inside of immudb, the standard for open source immutable databases. CAS is protected against tampering. All attestation data is integrity-checked and cryptographically verified by the CAS client. CAS is also protected against MITM attacks. The public key below is checked by every communication.
Install CAS and get your API and follow the steps of the “Get started” section.
Get the docker image built by OBS and run the container:

docker pull
docker run
Do a CAS login and authenticate/notarize containers:
cas --api-key yourkeyhere authenticate docker://
Here is an excerpt of the response:
UID: 1646052629401311666
Kind: docker
Name: docker://
Hash: 9fd63beb230ee5547307a380c317f20375527b77bdece77adc44176558108b39
Apikey revoked: no
We’ve successfully built immudb on the openSUSE Build Service but not only that. We also created container images for different architectures and notarized them using Codenotary’s open-source Community Attestation Service. Building software automatically in a consistent and reproducable is the way to go. In this blog we notarized and authenticated the final container with CAS. Codenotary’s solutions could also ensure that the software is only built from trusted sources, generate a Software Bill of Materials, and connect it tamperproof to the final binaries.