Introducing immudb v1.2.3 – instrumentation, performance and
Codenotary and the immudb team are proud to announce the release of immudb version 1.2.3 now available via github and ...
Codenotary and the immudb team are proud to announce the release of immudb version 1.2.3 now available via github and docker hub. This release is chock full of goodies so let’s get right down do it.
Instrumentation and Statistics!

One thing that community members constantly ask about is performance. How can we measure immudb’s performance and get a peek behind the curtain? Well we listened, and are glad to introduce a prometheus dashboard with a whole bunch of stats. You can now easily, at a glance, see what’s going in a few key areas, including the DB size and growth over time, indexing and transactions, B-tree (immudb’s internal data structure) and metrics related to the S3 storage backend (if you’re using one). The instrumentation is pretty detailed and comprehensive and we plan on covering it more in its own post, so please stay tuned in the coming days for even greater detail about what you can see, why it’s important and how you can tweak things by using it.
Performance and Administration Improvements
Lots of work has gone into improving immudb’s performance in a number of ways. We’ve continued to enhance B-tree functions, which is immudb’s internal data structure. As a result we’ve been able to speed up insertions by 22%. We’ve also reduced node sizes, effectively using less storage, we’ve also optimized the distribution of entries within b-tree nodes, which results in a nice speedup overall as well.
In terms of administration, it is now possible to dynamically load and unload a database without having to restart the server. This option is also configurable via the AutoLoad function as well. This now allows users to more easily work with multiple databases. We’ve also added a feature to allow the index to self-compact which reduces the number of blocks used for the index and therefore improved query performance.
There’s so much more!
So much great work has been on this release that we can ramble on for hours, but we think you got it! You can read the complete release notes on github to see the complete changelog and read more about all the great features, fixes and enhancements in this release. Make sure you check it out.
What are you building?
The feedback from the community has been tremendous and we love to hear what y’all are building. It’s what keeps us going day after day. Join us on Discord and Twitter to follow what we’re doing and let us know what you’re doing.