immudb Blog Posts

immudb v1.9.3 released

Written by blog | May 24, 2024 11:57:26 AM

immudb v1.9.3, 60% improved cache efficiency, significantly reduced memory consumption


  • Replaced LRU (least recently used) caching policy with SIEVE algorithm, resulting in improvement of caching efficiency by up to 60%;
  • Significantly reduced memory consumption of indexes by using pooling and by bounding the byte size of the cache, by up to 48%;
  • Support compaction of indexes when S3 storage is enabled;
  • Way more instrumentation reported by immuadmin database and status subcommands;
  • Relaxed password hassling of user;
  • Significantly improved coverage of SQL GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses;
  • Indexes are no more required on the GROUP BY/ORDER BY fields:
    • Arbitrary number of fields are now supported;
    • Index selection has been optimised to reduce query times;
  • Support streaming in SQLQuery/TxSQL rpcs to allow fetching arbitrary number of query results from:
    • client SDKs;
    • PG compatible clients;
    • Golang database/sql std package;


  • Fix off by one error when LIMIT clause is used;
  • Add missing constraint checks that prevent indexer from getting stuck;
  • Prevent replication between different immudb versions;

Full Changelog: v1.9DOM.2...v1.9.3
