

immudb is getting faster and stronger! The next release brings new features, even better performance and more ...

immudb is getting faster and stronger! The next release brings new features, even better performance and more resilience to immudb!

All the details will be released in the official announcement of the release, but here are the most relevant points:

  • Multi-database support (you can run many databases with one immudb server to separate data or to provide multi-tenancy)
  • Enhanced user management (per database)
  • Automated service and data recovery in case of unexpected OS or container crashes
  • Improved service management for Microsoft Windows
  • 100+ times faster cryptographic proofs (we completely revised and optimized the methods for entry validation; but don’t worry, the API methods didn’t change)
  • Improved documentation for gRPC and structured value

Thrilled by the amazing community feedback and contribution, we worked extra hard to deliver an amazing release 0.7.

Good news, you don’t need to wait long as it’s already scheduled for 10th of August 2020.

Stay tuned and watch out for our full release announcement.

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